Visit Us
Come see us! We're just up the road - and down to earth! And our Tasting Room is noteworthy - check out the review in Sonoma Magazine! The tasting room is open BY APPOINTMENT, or CALL AHEAD, Monday through Friday, from 11AM to 4:00 PM, for wine sales and pick ups. For Wine Tastings, see our Reservations page.
If you can’t visit us in person, check out the Google Maps virtual tour below!
Directions: From the south off Hwy 101 take the Canyon Road exit at Geyserville, head west and make a right on Chianti Road. We're 2.4 miles north at 24505 Chianti Road. From the north, take the Asti exit south of Cloverdale off Hwy 101, head east and make a right onto Asti Road. Continue south 2 miles, turn right at Zanzi Lane, go under the freeway, turn left on Chianti Road. Our driveway is 1/4 mile on the right.
J. Rickards Winery, 24505 Chianti Rd. Cloverdale CA, 95425