Prosciutto Wrapped & Dried Cherry Stuffed Pork Loin

This recipe can be used with either the full loin of pork, or pork tenderloins. If using two tenderloins, it is best to brown them after rolling, and baking for 20 minutes, until the pork registers 140° internally. If using the full loin, baking time is increased to 1 ½ hours in the 375° oven. The following recipe is for the full loin version. Serves 8.


1 pork loin, approximately 3-4 lbs., trimmed of excess fat
10 strips prosciutto, sliced a bit thicker
1 cup dried cherries
½ cup brandy
¾ cup of fine diced celery, sautéed and cooled
¾ cup of fine diced shallots, sautéed and cooled
¼ cup bread crumbs
5 Tablespoons of softened butter
2 teaspoons of chopped thyme or Herbes du Provence mix


Place cherries in a small pot, add brandy and bring to simmer, turn off heat and cover; allow to sit for ten minutes to rehydrate and then let cool to room temperature.

Combine with celery, shallots, breadcrumbs and herbs

Add softened butter and work with hands until everything is mixed evenly

Season to taste with salt and pepper and reserve until ready to stuff

 Pork loin

Fillet the pork loin lengthwise, starting with about ½ inch cut, and filet out as with a jelly roll cake.

On a large piece of wax paper, the same size as the filleted pork, lay out the prosciutto strips vertically covering the sheet

Place the pork on top of the prosciutto strips, season with salt and pepper

Spread the stuffing on the pork evenly, leaving about an inch from one long edge uncovered

Using the wax paper to help keep the prosciutto and pork together (but being sure not to include it in the roll!) roll the loin back into a long cylinder with the prosciutto covering the outside

Securely tie with butcher string every 2 inches the length of the roll

Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes

Preheat oven to 375°

Place pork loin roll in baking pan and bake in oven until pork is cooked and the prosciutto has browned (if it browns too quickly, you may cover loosely with foil), about 1 ½ to 2 hours.

Let rest for 5-10 minutes, remove strings, slice and serve over polenta.

Be sure to serve with J. Rickards Zinfandel!